Private Party Invitations: Invitations for private parties may not be given out during the school day unless the entire class is invited.
Due to our primary concern for student safety and the increase in food allergies among children, it is necessary for us to issue the following parameters for classroom celebrations.
Birthday Parties: Food treats for birthday celebrations are not permitted. If you would like to celebrate a child’s birthday, we encourage you to consider non-edible items such as stickers, crayons, pencils, pencil toppers, and bookmarks.
Classroom Parties (Halloween, Winter Holiday, Valentine’s Day): Due to allergy concerns, no snacks containing nuts or nut oils are permitted. Only fruit, vegetables, and pre-packaged items in the original packaging with the ingredients clearly listed are permitted. Neither home-baked nor baked goods made by a grocery store are acceptable for classroom parties. Please keep in mind that this list is only considering nut allergies, and some of the foods listed may contain other allergens such as dairy, gluten, and egg. The classroom teachers and school nurse will be responsible for monitoring the ingredient labels of prepackaged food. Classroom teachers, in coordination with the school nurse and principal, will generate a list of acceptable pre-packaged items considerate of particular known nut allergies of students in the classroom.
Generally acceptable party treats include:
Doritos | Kellogg’s Special K Bars | Frito Lay Tostito Scoops |
Jello Pudding | Fruit Snacks | Keebler Fudge Stripes |
Combos | Gum | String Cheese |
Quaker Rice Cakes | Chex Mix (cheddar) | Fruit Roll Ups |
Oreo Cookies | Slim Jims | Chester’s Puffcorn |
Twizzlers | Skittles | Air Heads |
Peeps | Rolos | Gummy Lifesavers |
Swedish Fish | Ritz Crackers (original) | Pop Tarts without peanut butter |
Kraft Marshmallows | Starbursts | Snyder’s Pretzel Logs |
Good’s Super Thin Pretzel Sticks | Rice Krispies Treats (pre-packaged) | Herr’s Extra Thin Pretzel Sticks |
Fruits and Vegetables (pre-packaged/bulk) | Jolly Time Simply Popped Sea Salt Microwave Popcorn | Just Born Jellybeans (made in Bethlehem) |
Hershey’s Bars Milk & Dark Bars and Kisses (no nut or variety packs) | Candy Corn (Coastal Bay brand only) | Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers (original or cheddar) |
Barnum Animal Crackers | Hard Candy (Dum Dum pops, Nerds, SweetTarts, Lifesavers, etc) | Chips Ahoy Cookies (original) |
VitaCost Veggie Chips | Pirate Booty | SkinnyPop Brand popcorn |
Just Born Candy Hearts (made in Bethlehem) | Enjoy Life Foods Brand -available at Giant, CVS, Wegmans, Whole Foods | Free2BFoods - available at Wegmans, and Whole Foods |
MadeGoodFoods - available at Wegmans, Whole Foods, Giant, Walmart | LofthouseCookies - available at Giant and Superfoods | Brothers All Natural Fruit Crisps |
VitaCost Veggie Straws/Sticks | Harvest Snaps | Late July Organic Popcorn - sea salt |
Wise Popcorn - sea salt |