Health Services
Welcome to the Health Room at Salisbury Elementary. We are committed to providing services to help your child achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
All District Health Rooms are staffed by registered nurses ( RN'S) during school hours. The certified school nurse (CSN) is an RN who also has a BS degree in Nursing, and completed additional course work required for Certification in School Nursing. The school nurse assistants have completed their training & have passed their boards to achieve their license as an RN (Registered Nurse). Our District CSN'S must cover more than 1 building, therefore, the school Nurse Assistants cover our school on the days the CSN is assigned elsewhere. Please do not hesitate to call the Health Room at (610) 791-2800 Ext. # 4520
Danielle Walter is the Certified School Nurse at SES.
Michelle Peters is a School Nurse Assistant at SES.