Medication Administration
The School Nurse must receive a physician’s order and parent’s permission to administer any medication, including over the counter medicine. New orders are needed for any changes in medication and at the beginning of each school year.
The School Physician does provide standing orders for Tylenol or Ibuprofen, which can be given if the parent signs the Tylenol/Ibuprofen permission form. This form is sent out in the beginning of each school year and must be signed on an annual basis. The School Nurse is not permitted to give either medication for a fever(in order for the student to remain in school) or a headache related to a new head injury.
All medication must be delivered to school by the parent in its original container. Pills in baggies or unmarked bottles can not be given. If medication (Epipen, inhaler or diabetic medication only) needs to be carried by the student, it must be stated in the physician’s order and the student must sign a contract with the nurse. Any misuse of emergency medication will be reported to the principal and the parent. Any student caught with unauthorized medication will be subject to disciplinary actions according to STSD’s drug and alcohol policy.
We are here to help meet your child’s needs. We will work with you, your child and your child’s healthcare provider to accommodate your child’s health care requirements.