Title 1
Salisbury Middle School
Michaele Hippauf, Reading Specialist
At Salisbury Middle School, we are pleased to offer a Title I Reading Improvement Program to students who qualify in grades 6th through 8th. Title I is a federally funded program designed to help students improve in reading. Students enrolled in the program receive additional instruction in reading in a small group setting.
Three times a year the reading skills of all students at SMS are assessed. The results of those assessments are used to determine which students qualify to receive instruction from the Title I Specialist.
Students who qualify, will utilize the Read 180 materials and software. The Read 180 instructional model is a daily plan that moves students toward independence with grade-level text, focusing on best practices; comprehension skills, critical reading, story elements, craft and structure, phonics, vocabulary, and writing. More information can be found here.
The Salisbury Township School District provides Title I services to students in grades K-5 (Harry S Truman Elementary School) and grades 6-8 (Salisbury Middle School) through targeted assistance. Each school has teachers and instructional assistants to support Title I students and families.
Parent Involvement - The District recognizes that parent involvement contributes to the achievement of academic standards by students in Title I programs. The District views the education of students as a cooperative effort among the school, parents and community. Please access the District's Parent Involvement Policy.
Parent Right to Know Information - Please access the Parent Letter sent to all families.
Equity Plan - The Salisbury Township School District ensures the equitable distribution of experienced and highly qualified teachers within the District's schools. To ensure that poor and minority students are not taught at higher rates than other students by inexperienced teachers, each school distributes poor and minority students among all classrooms at all grade levels. The District determines the effectiveness of this strategy by regularly reviewing school level data on teacher turnover, identifying characteristics of teachers who have left and whether or not they moved to another school, district or left the profession.
Translation Services - Families in need of translation services should contact the school principal (Harry S Truman Elementary School - 610-791-2800; Salisbury Middle School - 610-791-0830). If you need immediate translation services you can access Google Translate on the internet.