Board Meeting Format
Meeting of a majority of Board members are to be held in public, with an agenda published in advance. School Board meetings are posted on the district's website at the link on the left.
Under certain circumstances, the Board may have a “closed” meeting, which could include topics such as personnel, labor negotiations, or legal matters. Closed sessions are not open to the public.
The public is invited and encouraged to attend, as well as speak at, any public School Board meeting.
Although there may be special meetings called with a different format, most public board meetings will follow a standard format:
Call to Order
Student Representatives' Report
Approval of Agenda
Citizen inquiries and comments pertaining to agenda items
Approval of minutes
Information/Presentations – Scheduled presentations from staff or invited guests
Discussion Items – items for Board discussion for which there will be no specific Board vote, however a consensus of the Board may direct District Staff to do additional work or to bring a follow-up action item to the Board
Action Items – items up for a vote by the Board – most items require a simple majority of Board members to pass
Comments from Board Members, the Superintendent, and Employee Group representatives
Citizens Comments – discussion of any items not on the agenda
Public Participation at Board Meetings
School Board meetings are meetings of the Governing Board IN public, but are not meetings WITH the public. The District and Board seek to ensure that the public may exercise its right to be heard, surface issues, and follow resolution of such issues.
Members of the public are asked to speak only when recognized by the Board President. Any member of the public has the right to address the Board on any issue, even if that topic is not on the current agenda, during the citizens comments item.