Device Distribution Schedule

iPads for grades K-4 and laptop computers for grades 5-12 will be distributed according to the following schedule for the 2024-2025 school year:

Please be certain that you have read the Expectations and Guidelines as well as information related to Insurance prior to submitting the insurance premium.

Additional Questions?

If you have any questions at any time, please contact your school principal (Salisbury High School – 610-797-4107; Salisbury Middle School – 610-791-0830; Salisbury Elementary School – 610-791-2800)

Salisbury High School Principal – Ms Heather Morningstar –

Salisbury High School Assistant Principal – TBD –

Salisbury Middle School Principal – Mr. Ken Parliman – 

Salisbury Middle School Assistant Principal – Mr. Robert Sawicki – 

Salisbury Elementary School Principal – Mr. Zachary Brem – 

Salisbury Elementary School Assistant Principal – Mr. Brian Muschlitz –