Illness and Injury
If a child becomes ill or is injured at school, it may be necessary for a parent or a designated person to take the child home. The School Nurse will contact the persons listed on the emergency health information card, which is sent home in the beginning of every school year. It is important to notify the School Nurse with changes in phone numbers or other information.
If a child becomes ill when at home, parents are encouraged to use good judgment when deciding when the child should return to school. If a child has vomiting or a fever during the night, he/she should remain at home the next day. The school’s main office should be called to report any absences. It is also necessary to send a written excuse in with the child when returning to school.
If a child is injured after school hours, it is important to provide the School Nurse with information about the injury and required treatment. A physician’s note is required for the student to be excused from gym class or use crutches, a wheelchair, or the elevator. The nurse should also be notified with any changes in a child’s health status or if the student needs to have surgery or be hospitalized.