The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) approved the use of Flexible Instruction Days (FIDs) as an alternate form of instruction in place of a day that was formerly a school closure due to inclement weather or emergency. In essence, approved Districts can replace an inclement weather day with a FID day and not have to alter the school calendar. Salisbury has been approved to use a maximum of five (5) FID for the 2023-24 school year.
This school year, in what might have formerly been an inclement weather or emergency school closure, we may use the option of a remote instructional day instead of using an inclement weather day in the school calendar. In the event we use a FID day, the District will issue a notification of the FID in the same manner inclement weather days have been communicated in the past, through Apptegy. The FID will be an official school day and attendance will be taken. Regardless of instructional model at the time the FID is implemented, students will follow our remote learning schedule.
How will students to connect to live instruction?
Teachers and staff will be using Google Meet for live instruction. Students should use their school issued device. Most students in grades 3 and up can join Google Meet directly through Google Classroom or Clever. Students in grades K-2 can use Clever to join. Teachers will ensure their students know how to access their virtual classroom.
What should we do if there are technical issues with Google Meet?
Computer technicians are available to support students and staff. Please email the appropriate building tech for support. Please include a phone number in your email.
Salisbury High School: Tom Smith, tsmith@salisburysd.org
Salisbury Middle School: John Landis, jlandis@salisburysd.org
Salisbury Elementary School: Matt Ritter, mritter@salisburysd.org
How will students find the learning activities and assignments for the FID?
Students will complete all learning assignments provided by the teacher at home. All assignments will be posted in Clever, SeeSaw, or Google Classroom. There may be instances when we have more notice of a possible FID. In these cases, teachers may send home hard copies of materials and/or provide advance notice of assignments.
What if a student does not have access to their district device or internet on an FID?
At this time, we anticipate all students will be taking their devices home daily. If a household does not have Internet access due to inclement weather conditions, please contact the student’s building principal.
Salisbury Elementary School: Zac Brem, zbrem@salisburysd.org
Salisbury Middle School: Ken Parliman, kparliman@salisburysd.org
Salisbury High School: Heather Morningstar, hmorningstar@salisburysd.org
What if a student scheduled a pre-approved absence for the FID day?
The student would be expected to make up the learning activities and assignments within three days of returning to school just as if it were any other absence from school.
Will there still be make-up dates built into the district calendar?
Yes, make-up dates will continue to be built into the Salisbury Township School District calendar in the event we exhaust five allowable FID days and/or utilize all inclement weather days as we have in the past.
Does this mean there will be no more snow days?
No. It is still possible the District will have snow days this winter.
Is student participation required in a flexible instruction day?
Yes, attendance on a flexible instruction day is mandatory and each day will count as a regular school day.
Attendance at live instruction sessions is required. Meeting times for live instruction must be communicated prior to the utilization of a Flexible Instruction Day.
Work and assigned activities must be submitted on the day of flexible instruction electronically or for those with packets or paper copies, immediately upon return to school.
Teachers and other staff members will offer support to students to facilitate learning and work completion.
Students unable to participate due to unforeseen circumstances, such as a localized power outage may not be considered in attendance on the flexible instructional day.
Students who did not participate or complete assigned work during the FID will be reported as having either excused or unexcused absence accordingly.