Health Services and Screenings
Height and Weight - All students are weighed and measured yearly. BMI and BMI percentiles are calculated using these measurements.
Vision - Vision screenings are provided each year to all children in Kindergarten through 12th grades. If your child does not pass the vision screening, a referral will be sent home. The child should then be examined by an eye doctor for further evaluation and treatment, if necessary. The referral form should be completed by the eye doctor and returned to the School Nurse. Sight for Student gift certificates, which provide free eye exams and free eye glasses, are available in the nurse's office for students who qualify. Please call the School Nurse for more information.
Hearing - Hearing screening is provided each year to children in Kindergarten, 1st through 3rd, 7th & 11th grades, and special ungraded classes. Screenings are also provided with teacher or parent requests.
Physical Examinations -Physical exams are a state requirement for children in Kindergarten and Grades 6 and 11. They are also required for new students entering the district. The school physician will be scheduled one time during the school year to provide free physicals for students in these grades who do not wish to be examined by a private physician.
Dental Examinations - Dental exams are required in Kindergarten, 3rd and 7th grade. They are also required for new students entering the district. The school dentist will be scheduled one time during the school year to provide free dental screenings for students in these grades who do not wish to be examined by a private dentist.
Scoliosis Screenings - This test is required and provided by the School Nurse in 6th and 7th grades, if not done by the student's healthcare provider.
Parents will receive a health screening report card for each student on an annual basis.