College Information / Forms
This page provides information and forms necessary for the college/university application process. Please click on the College Information Documents on the left for the information or form(s) for which you are searching.
Fair Opportunity Project
Complete A - Z Guide for the college / finanacial aid process. Avaliable in multiple languages. To access this valuable resourse, please visit https://www.fairopportunityproject.org
For a list and contact information for virtually all post-secondary schools, colleges, and universities in the state of Pennsylvania, please visit: http://www.college-scholarships.com/schools/pennsylvania/
For Students with Disabilities
The following links provide resources on how to obtain accommodations at colleges or universities:
Transcript Release Form & Recommendation Questionnaire
The TRANSCRIPT RELEASE form is required for all students who will be asking to have transcripts sent to post secondary schools, the military, NCAA or other organizations requiring this information. Please note: without this signed document (signature of student and parent/guardian) we are unable to send your information. This would be a violation of the privacy laws.
Transcript for alumni Salisbury High School are $2.00 per copy. Transcripts will not be released unless the Transcript Release Form and payment are received. For current Salisbury High School students, there is no cost for the first three transcripts or transcripts required for scholarships. Any transcripts for post-secondary institutions above three, will incur a cost of $2.00 per copy.
The RECOMMENDATION QUESTIONNAIRE form provides information to faculty/staff members who are writing recommendations for students. This information allows them to complete a thorough recommendation to be sent to the colleges/universities of that student's choice.
Please speak to teachers a minimum of two weeks prior to the school counseling department deadline for processing materials.