Student Assistance Program
The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a school-based program model that assists in the identification of issues and stressors that are barriers to a student’s ability to maximize his or her potential. The SAP program provides early identification, prevention, intervention, and support groups to address students’ needs. The primary goal of this program is to provide each student with a safe, alcohol and drug-free environment in which to develop academically, socially, emotionally and behaviorally.
The SAP team at Salisbury High School consists of school administrators, guidance counselors, teachers, school nurse, school resource officer, and a behavior interventionist, and support staff. This team is complemented by a support liaison from the Center for Humanistic Change and a liaison from Pyramid Healthcare.
The SAP process begins with an initial referral that may be made by any person concerned with a student’s safety and welfare. Students who are facing academic regression, emotional duress, behavioral challenges, social conflict, substance abuse, and/or attendance issues are all considered appropriate referrals to the SAP program. Once a referral is initiated, SAP team members collect and analyze valuable data from multiple sources to develop an accurate plan in addressing the student’s need(s). Depending on the severity of the issues identified and the data collected, the SAP team may find it necessary make a referral to Pyramid Healthcare for a drug & alcohol and/or mental health assessment. The assessment is confidential, and the SAP team receives only the recommendations from the assessor, and not the information disclosed by the student. The referred student’s parent and/or guardian is an integral part of the SAP process; consequently, it is imperative that the school and parent/guardian have open and regular communication about the student. The school may take appropriate action in cases where parents/guardians are unable to be contacted. The Student Assistance Program is required by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania under section 1547 of the Pennsylvania School Code, enacted as Act 211.
Anyone can click here to make a referral for Student Services.
Link to a student created video about SAP
TimeToTalkTimeToTalk provides easy-to-use guides and tips to help parents have ongoing conversations with their kids to keep them healthy and drug-free.