Information to Request Homework

The following is taken from Salisbury High School's Student/Parent Handbook regarding Make-Up Work (page 10):
"If students are absent for a period of three (3) days or longer, homework may be requested through the school counseling office. Please allow 24 hours for teachers to assemble missed assignments. Students are to complete all make-up work within 5 days from the date of their return to school, or they will receive a zero (0) for the incomplete work. Teachers may extend the 5-day limit for extenuating circumstances such as length of absence and/or importance of work missed. This extention applies only to excused absences."
Requests for students who are absent 3 consecutive days or longer may contact Ms. Martinez at 610-797-4107 ext. 2530 or e-mail at
**Homework requests will not be fulfilled for students absent less than three consecutive days or who are planning to return school a day after the request has been made.