Prospective Student Information

Salisbury High School, established in 1963, educates approximately 600 students in grades 9-12. It is accredited by the Department of Education, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In 2014, SHS was listed as a bronze medal recipient by U.S. News and World Report's Best High Schools.
Advanced Placement courses are offered in Biology, Calculus AB, World History, US History, and English Literature and Composition. A Dual Enrollment agreement with Seton Hall University offers students the opportunity to earn college credits while enrolled at SHS.
To graduate from Salisbury High School, students must earn 26.5 credits. Beginning with the class of 2017, students must also score Proficient or higher on the Pennsylvania Keystone Exams in the content areas of Biology, Literature, Algebra I.
The Class of 2013's average SAT scores were above the national and Pennsylvania state averages: Critical Reading = 510, Math = 522, Writing = 511. 90% of the Class of 2013 continued their education at post-secondary institution. Students graduating from SHS in 2013 plan on attending the post-secondary institutions listed in the link below.
Prospective students who would like to spend a day shadowing a SHS student should contact Ms. Martinez. A shadowing experience can give a prospective student a feel for the campus, academic rigor, and student body. Students typically shadow for a full school day (7:30am to 2:30 pm). Individual tours of the school can also be arranged. The visiting student form can be found linked below.
Enrollment is by appointment only, Monday to Friday 9am - 2pm. Contact Mrs. Martinezf to schedule your meeting. The enrollment paperwork can be found linked below. Please bring the following documents.
Birth certificate
Immunization records
Transfer card/proof of withdrawal from previous school
Residency verification w/ three forms of documentation and moving permit
If applicable:
Most recent IEP, Evaluation or Re-evaluation Report
Court order or district guardianship form
All new enrollees take placement tests in math and English at registration. An appropriate schedule will be developed by the school counselor, with consideration given to the placement test results, a student's previous school record, and the student's requests. Not all requests can be honored, particularly when schedules are developed mid-year.