Salisbury Cheerleading Online Clothing Sale
The sale ends 12/5 at 11:59 p.m.
Orders are expected the week of 1/9/23.
Shop away Falcons!
🦃 #yoursalisbury
SMS Student Council will be hosting a winter movie afternoon on Wednesday, 12/21. We are looking for donations for this fundraiser. Donations include: soda cans and individually wrapped, peanut-free snack foods (cookies, brownies, chips, pretzels, etc...). Please drop off at SMS or send in with your child on or before Friday, 12/9. Thank you!!
SMS Weekly News: 11/21 - Early Dismissal & Parent Conferences, 11/22 - Early Dismissal & Parent Conferences, 11/23 - Early Dismissal, 11/24-11/28 - Thanksgiving Break. School reopens on 11/29.
Purchase a Salisbury Girls Basketball Holiday Tournament Shirt!
$16 Short Sleeve, $19 Long Sleeve.
Deadline to order: Tues., 11/22 by 11:59 p.m.
Expect orders the week of 12/26.
Visit the link below!
Purchase a Salisbury Girls Basketball Holiday Tournament Shirt!
$16 each
Deadline to order: 11/22/22 by 11:59 p.m.
Expect orders the week of 12/26/22.
Visit the link below!
Wednesday, 11/23 will be a Pajama day at SMS. Wear those comfy pjs for the last early dismissal day before fall break.
Students in 8th grade are learning about the election process and some went to the polls with their parents.
Wednesday, November 9 will be Wacky Wednesday at SMS. Wear some wacky or mismatched clothes.
On Friday, Oct. 21st, 8th grade went to Jacobsburg Environmental Education Center to learn about nature journaling, past/present, water chemistry, and a nature hike.
Have you heard about the owl pellet exploration party in Mr. Schweyer’s science class? It was a real hoot. #YourSalisbury
SMS Twin Day
SMS Music Genre Day
Picture Retakes at Salisbury Middle School is scheduled for 10/20/22. Please refer to the attached flyer with more information.
AGAIN, @MakhoulMr was told to take a hike by his team! He'll be leading a final group of 6th grade students up to Bake Oven Knob today. Follow him and his Instagram stories for updates. Pending reception, there may be some Live videos broadcast as well.
SMS Spirit Week Kick Off event at recess today. #facepainting #YourSalisbury
Follow @MakhoulMr on Instagram today as STSD school board member and retired SMS teacher, Carol Klinger, comes out of retirement to continue hers and SMS's legacy on another Bake Oven Knob field trip today. If cell reception permits, there may be a few live videos!
SMS Color day was last week. Students competed to see which grade could wear the most of their assigned color.
SMS Spirit Week kicks off this Friday, 10/14, with blue and white day. Check out our daily themes for the following week.
Musical chairs... with running! From running club yesterday. #cardio