2 weeks ago, 6th graders were stars on the local scene. Now, they've gone GLOBAL! #Equator #Latitude #Longitude #PrimeMeridian #Zooooooom #IYKYK
Alumni musicians, join us for the Homecoming Parade and Game! Contact amosley@salisburysd.org or fill out this GoogleForm RSVP: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScWmsJsduiv3kvB3QQYkZaEF1aq0mjHNyTYVXHLMvwG9QGhiQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Salisbury Athletic Booster Club Clothing Drive
Save the Date!
SMS is having a grade level color day Wednesday, September 28th. Each grade level should wear their assigned color. Get those outfits ready!
SMS Weekly News (9/19-9/23): 9/20 - Bus Evacuation Drill, 9/21 - Final Fundraiser Turn-in, 9/22 - Safe2Say Something Training. Please continue to check our website for any additional updates. Have a great week! #Yoursalisbury
The SMS 5th/6th Grade After School Running Club session scheduled for Tuesday, 9/20 has been postponed to Wednesday, 9/21.
Time: 3 to 4:15 p.m. on 9/21 (& 9/22)
Parent pickup at 4:30 p.m.
Any questions, email advisor Noah McMullen at nmcmullen@salisburysd.org.
SMS Weekly News (9/12-9/16): 9/14 - First Fundraiser Virtual Turn-in; 9/16 - Early Dismissal for Students at 12:15PM. Please continue to check our website for any updates.
SMS Weekly News: (9/6 - 9/9) 9/7 - SMS School Wide Fundraiser Kickoff, 9/8 - Picture Day. Please continue to check for updates on our website. Have a great week!
Attention SMS 5th & 6th graders! See attached for info. about the SMS 5th/6th Grade After School Running Club.
Please complete the parental consent form, get to the advisor, Mr. Noah McMullen on 9/6 at nmcmullen@salisburysd.org.
Mark your calendars. Picture day at the middle school is on Thursday, September 8. Please reference the attached image for more information.
Don't forget...No school for students on Friday, 9/2, and school is closed on Monday, 9/5. We hope that you and your family have a great holiday weekend! #yoursalisbury #LaborDay
An important reminder for parents who drive their children to SMS. Please make sure to follow the proper traffic patterns when on campus. It is important that drivers are traveling at a safe rate of speed and are vigilant of other students, including drivers. Thank you!
The school year is quickly approaching! Here are some important dates for the start of the year at Salisbury Middle School. #yoursalisbury
Salisbury Middle School teachers organized a week long SOAR Camp to help our incoming 5th graders transition into the middle school! It was great to see / meet our incoming students!