SMS Student Council is hosting our annual spirit week from Wednesday 12/16 to Wednesday 12/23. Students who show their spirit, will be invited to participate in a Kahoot on selected spirit days at 2pm.
about 4 years ago, Kara Bellis
spirit week
Congrats to our newly accepted Moravian College Greyhounds, @MoravianBound. The Counseling Office would like extend a huge thank you to Ms. Alyson Remsing for conducting MC’s Virtual Immediate Decision Day II. A total of $75,000 in scholarships were awarded today! Way to go!!
about 4 years ago, SHS School Counseling Office
SALISBURY THEATRE (ONLINE) Proudly Presents: WINTER BREAK by Joe Calarco. Winter Break can be different from everyone. The play features various vignettes of students exploring different parts of humanity during their winter break from school. Salisbury students rehearsed online to bring this very special piece to life. The filmed play will be available to watch with VIDEO ON DEMAND. Ticketing information will be available shortly. #yoursalisbury
about 4 years ago, Monica Deeb
Interesting in learning more about LCTI? Check this out To view upcoming events & opportunities view
about 4 years ago, SHS School Counseling Office
Moravian College's Virtual Immediate Decision Day II, @MoravianBound, @ SHS is TOMORROW, December 9, 2020. Good luck to all our senior applicants.
about 4 years ago, SHS School Counseling Office
The staff of SES would like to proudly introduce the 2020-21 Student Lighthouse Representatives. The SLT is a group of students representing each grade level in our school who synergize to have a positive impact on students, staff, families, and the community. Congrats!
about 4 years ago, Zachary Brem
Lighthouse Members
SHS is proud to announce our 2020-2021 yearbook cover created by senior, Aaron Greenholt. Additionally, we'd like to recognize seniors, Paige Gibbons, Amber Hawley, Caitlyn Flanagan, Nerissa St Leger, Sativa Stecker, Rylee Yerkes, and the rest of the Yearbook class for their contributions during the process. If you'd like to preorder your 2021 book, please go to and enter the job number: 10823
about 4 years ago, Freya De Conde
Cover 2020
SMS Student Council is excited to announce our final virtual bingo game on Thursday, December 10th at 1:45pm. This game will be for 7th and 8th grade students.
about 4 years ago, Kara Bellis
7th and 8th bingo
Support the Salisbury Boys Basketball Crust Fundraiser on Wednesday, Dec. 9! Please check out the attached flyer for more information. Thank you! 🏀 #yoursalisbury
about 4 years ago, Monica Deeb
We have a full row on the Leader Board! Congratulations to all of the winners.
about 4 years ago, Susan Young
Check out the Holiday Hope Chests that the SHS Key Club collected. The club donated 24 Hope Chests for the Volunteer Center of the Lehigh Valley. This will go to children ages 6 to 13 in the Lehigh Valley. Thank you SHS Key Club! 👏🎁 🙏 #yoursalisbury
about 4 years ago, Monica Deeb
Key Club
Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Scott Doroshow joins host @MikeRaymondLV of @LVFoxSports December 5. Specializing in arthroscopic surgery, Dr. Doroshow discusses the care and treatment of some of the most common injuries of the knee and shoulder. @mystlukes #yoursalisbury
about 4 years ago, Monica Deeb
Reflecting on our Vision - Input Requested In early 2020, prior to COVID-19, stakeholders were invited to share input for our District vision. As we approach 2021, we would like to refine our current vision and invite additional feedback. As our learners have experienced the elements in our Profile of a Graduate (PoG), does the PoG continue to reflect what we collectively believe about learner knowledge, skills, and dispositions? This data will be used to refine our vision for 2025. You input is important to us. Thank you for your time! #yoursalisbury
over 4 years ago, Monica Deeb
Mrs Schey was so happy to see one her students at the materials pickup today!
over 4 years ago, Susan Young
Support the Salisbury Boys Basketball Crust Fundraiser on Wednesday, Dec. 9! Please check out the attached flyer for more information. Thank you! 🏀 #yoursalisbury
over 4 years ago, Monica Deeb
Today is the last day for curriculum material pick-up at SES. You can pick up the items between 12:30-7pm.
over 4 years ago, Zachary Brem
Material pick up
Love tech and computers? Explore Coding via a Family Night on PBS next Thursday from 7-8pm! See the flyer or click the url for more information. More info at this link:
over 4 years ago, Zachary Brem
SMS Student Council is excited to announce our 5th grade virtual bingo game on Friday, December 4th at 1:45pm. 7th and 8th grade bingo games will follow. Stay tuned!
over 4 years ago, Kara Bellis
5th grade bingo
Feeling a bit creative this holiday season? Here's your opportunity to show your skills! Entries can be received through Friday, 12/18. Voting will begin on Monday, 12/20 and run until Wednesday, 12/22. Good luck!
over 4 years ago, Zachary Brem
Door decorating
Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Nicholas Avallone & Pburg HS football coach Frank Duffy join @MikeRaymondLV @LVFoxSports to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on local sports & Dr. Avallone's recent recognition as the Hunterdon County Polytech 2020 Business Partner of the Year. #yoursalisbury
over 4 years ago, Monica Deeb