About VAST

Course Catalog and Platform

Enrollment Form

VAST Welcome Letter  - K-8

VAST Elementary Handbook

VAST Welcome Letter - Secondary

VAST Secondary Handbook

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Information: 

Mr. Brian Muschlitz, Principal of K-4 VAST 610-791-2800 (ext. 4504)

Mr. Rob Sawicki, Principal of 5-8 VAST 610-791-0830 (ext. 3503)

Mrs. Jane Brennan, Principal of 9-12 VAST 610-797-4107 (ext. 2503)

Mr. Michael Anderson, Counselor for 9-12 VAST -610-797-4107 (ext. 2532)

Mrs. Allison Moyer, Counselor for 9-12 VAST 610-797-4107 (ext. 2533)

Miss. Alexis Bove, Counselor for K-8 VAST 610-791-2800 (ext. 4555)

Enrollment Process


If you are interested in enrolling your child in the VAST program, please complete the VAST enrollment form . Once your enrollment has been received a counselor will contact you to schedule an Enrollment Meeting. Meetings are typically scheduled prior to the start of the school year in August.