Contact Information:
Mr. Brian Muschlitz, Principal of 9-12 VAST - 610-797-4107 (ext. 2503)
Mr. Rob Sawicki, Principal of K-8 VAST - 610-791-0830 (ext. 3503)
Mrs. Allison Moyer, Counselor for 9-12 VAST - 610-797-4107 (ext. 2533)
Mrs. Shannon Stokes, Counselor for K-8 VAST - 610-797-1688 (ext. 5503)
Frequently Asked Questions
I have submitted the VAST enrollment form. Why haven’t I received a meeting invite yet?
Enrollment and orientation meetings are typically scheduled in August in preparation for the new school year. Mid-year transfers and enrollments occur as the request is submitted.
Can any Salisbury student enroll in VAST?
Yes, any student living in Salisbury Township School District may attend. The counselor will be in contact to schedule an Enrollment Meeting to provide an overview, go over expectations, and answer any additional questions about the program.
If my child enrolls in VAST can they still participate in Salisbury extracurricular activities and sports?
Yes, any VAST student is welcome to participate in all afterschool activities and athletics.
If I enroll my child in VAST, can they transfer to the brick and mortar school at any time?
Yes, learners are welcome to transfer back to Salisbury.
Grades K-5 - During natural breaks in the school calendar or trimesters.
Grades 6-8 - At the end of the marking period.
Grades 9-12 - At the end of the marking period.
Are the VAST instructors Salisbury Teachers?
No, the courses are taught by Pennsylvania certified teachers by our education partner, CAOLA.
What support services are available for students enrolled in VAST?
Technology, Guidance, School Social Worker, Gifted/IEP Coordination, services are available.
Will the district provide a computer for participating in VAST?
Yes, the district will provide a MacBook Pro for each learner enrolled in VAST.
How is attendance tracked?
Students complete a required number of lessons each week. Please see VAST K-8 and High School Handbooks for grade-level specific expectations.
Lessons are asynchronous and may be completed at any time day or night.
Students may be required to meet with teacher 30-60 minutes per week for assessments, check-ins, etc.
What is the role of a parent or guardian?
K-5 students need a learning coach (parent/guardian/adult) to support learning. Learn more about what is required of a learning coach at this video.